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Trade Show Booth Accessories

If you are looking to increase your return on investment for your next trade show, accessories are a great way to do that. There is no doubt that attending a trade show is already a large investment for your business and accessories can seem like just another unnecessary expense. However, they really can produce results if you make wise decisions. Accessories are not just for aesthetic appeal, but they can also be for functionality. 

Types of Accessories

While this is not a comprehensive list, these are some popular accessories used to your benefit during a trade show. While none of these are required, many of them are utilized by your competitors. 

Trade Show Counters

It is common that you may need some type of horizontal surface in your booth to have a place for displays, promotional products, tablets, and overall engagement with your audience. 


The kiosks you see at trade shows are typically pretty small. They are mostly used for showing videos, obtaining information from visitors and allowing them to interact with your business easily. For instance, if they come by and all of the sales team at your booth are occupied, they could schedule a future meeting with you from the kiosk. 

Hand Sanitizer Stations

Whenever you put that many people in a room together with so many different things to touch and hands to shake everyone is going to be looking for access to hand sanitizer. If you can provide that, it will draw people to your booth. You can elevate this design by adding your logo and/or a QR code to the hand sanitizer stand. 

Interactive Display

Demos of your products can help the products sell themselves. Interactive displays not only attract the attention of passersby, but they are also educational and give a good visual reference for those who learn better that way. 

Charging Station

Just like the hand sanitizer, the charging station will naturally draw people in. Not to mention, you will be able to charge your own devices more easily. This is a great place to mingle and/or use tablets and laptops to show videos, etc. 

Tablet or Banner Stands

If you already have a tablet stand hanging around your office, then you could save a lot of money and just bring that with you and bypass the extra expense of a kiosk. Tablet stands are good for encouraging people to actually use the tablet rather than just laying them on a counter. It is more inviting on a stand. 

A banner stand is the tale as old as time when it comes to trade show accessories. They are tried and true and still valuable in this world of technology. Their main purpose is to catch attention and draw people in. Because they are taller, they can help entice people from farther away to come to your booth. Just make sure the design is really good and matches your brand. 

Display Column

This is used to showcase one single item or product. If you have something new in your industry, then the display column is a good way to display it without allowing people to touch it. 

Overhead Signs

If you want to really optimize your space at a trade fair, then a hanging sign is a great way to go. The overhead space is usually untouched real estate and can really set you apart and draw attention to your stand out display. These could be a simple backlit banner or range to a complex shape and design. 

Choosing Accessories

Choosing which accessories to invest your money in will depend on your personal growth objectives and the audience you serve. Commissioning the help of a professional can be beneficial. It is likely that whoever designs your trade show booth can help direct you on what accessories will pair well with it. Especially because they probably already have a basic understanding of your vision and brand. There are also accessories that are strictly functional to make your day at a trade show a little more enjoyable such as padded mats to stand on to relieve stress on the feet and legs. The only accessories you need to avoid are the ones that don’t make sense for your business. Don’t overspend for an accessory that won’t have a good ROI.

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