When you start exhibiting at trade shows, you should always strive to make the most out of it. With the right techniques in place, you can use the trade show display to increase your brand awareness, generate leads, and build strong relationships. The following trade show marketing tips can help you attain the highest return on investment.
1. Design
Pay attention to the design of your booth. It should captivate the attention of attendees within the first few seconds. Since there are lots of options in a trade show, people are unlikely to waste their time on boring boots. Pay attention to your lighting, graphics, seating, and aesthetics. Your branding should be consistent and functional. It should be bold, and your message should be instantly clear.
2. Brand Messaging
Work with professionals to find the right brand messaging for your brand needs. Even though your employees may have lots of experience in trade show displays, they don’t always know how to handle the big crowds in trade shows. Your message should be simple, clear, and effective. Professionals can help you relay your message to the crowd in simple yet subtle ways.
3. Keep Your Trade Show Display Fun and Interactive
A creative design is the best way to attract leads. Make it creative, fun, and interactive. Trade show displays are not only overwhelming for you but also for the attendees. Consider working with professionals to find a display that stands out from the competition. Some of the most effective ways to achieve this include;
- Draw in attendees using things that are important to them. They include; interactive games, phone chargers, drinking water, and comfortable seating
- Ensure that your design is capable of engaging all senses. Even though graphics are important, you need to add pleasant scents, music, textures, and videos as well
4. Keep It Simple
Use simple material to promote your brand. If you plan on handing out brochures, avoid complicated language and images. Simplicity makes it easier to understand. People are unlikely to read your literature if it is too wordy. It should be of value and clear.
5. Put the Focus on Your Display
Use innovative displays to highlight your product. Over 90% of people who trade show attendees are interested in seeing new products. Take advantage of it and put your product on display. The following tips may help you;
- Avoid cluttering your exhibit as it could be distracting. The best way to have maximum impact is by putting the focus on just one product
- Use bold graphics, banners, big video screens, and lighting to highlight small products
- Build your exhibit around one major theme
6. Create a Buzz on Social Media
You don’t need to wait for the trade show to start before promoting your presence. Use social media to create a buzz and build anticipation. If you can find a list of attendees, use it to start your email marketing campaign. Post about it on your website and social media platforms. It is a simple yet effective way to attract visitors.
If you need help with your trade show booth design, consider working with ExpoMarketing to find one that matches the needs of your target audience.
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